Healthy Lunch Box Ideas that You or Your Child will LOVE!
September 7, 2022 • By Olivia Marjorae

It’s that time of the year again! As your child gets reaccustomed to early mornings and hits the books, they’ll need a lunch packed with all the brain fuel they can get.
Traditional lunchbox favorites often contain high sodium, excess sugar, and other additives that can hinder your child’s performance in school. The New York Times ran a study in 2017 that highlights the importance of midday nutrition for school-aged children and how the lunch your child eats can affect their learning capability. “Nutrition can affect learning through three channels: physical development (e.g., sight), cognition (e.g., concentration, memory), and behavior (e.g., hyperactivity),” the article states.
So swapping out typical lunch box fillers for cleaner, more nutritious options is an easy way to ensure your child is on their A-game in school. Trust us, these fun and delicious lunch box ideas will make your child the star of the cafeteria AND the classroom! They are so good (and easy to make) that you’ll even want to pack them for a midday meal.
A “Cleaner” Lunchable
Does your child love Lunchables? Then make them yourself! Instagram account @LunchboxCraze is dedicated to offering followers tons of healthy and exciting new ways to pack a lunchbox. In this video, she whips up a homemade spin on a traditional lunchbox favorite! To elevate this option for yourself, swap out the crackers for Triscuits or table water crackers, gourmet cheese, and a spicy pepperoni or prosciutto.
The Gourmet Lunchbox
Full-time mother and part-time Youtuber Emily Norris is your go-to guide for all things “mommying”! In this video, Emily pours some extra time and love into her kids’ lunches, offering viewers nearly a dozen fun and unique homemade lunch box fillers for kids. Check it out and let us know what you think! Psssst…you HAVE to try the quiche!
Lunch For a Few
If you’re a mommy of many, then StrongMommyChrissy is your go-to! The mother of nine has a Youtube channel dedicated to providing healthy, nutritious, and affordable recipes to mothers of large families. In this video, Chrissy shows how she packs yummy lunches with fruits, veggies, and snacks for each of her children. Check it out for tips on packing in bulk!
Quick and Tasty
Are you pressed for time and have no time to be creative? We know how that goes, #SweatSisters! But, if you find yourself rushing in the morning, you still don’t have to sacrifice a healthy lunch for yourself or your kids! Youtube channel Tasty shows how to prep and pack clean, healthy lunches for the ENTIRE week!
Which ones will you be making? Chime in and let us know how the kiddos like ’em!