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5 Things You Should Do Before the New Year

Here’s how to enter the next 365 days with a clean slate.

Source: — Rodnae Productions

A new year is approaching, and we’re just as excited as you! A fresh 365 opens the door for many new things—growth, progress, opportunity, you name it. But before you dive right into the New Year, take the time to properly close out the current one with these five tips below!

1. Take Down the Christmas Tree

Have you ever left your Christmas tree up until February? Try to have it back in the garage this year before the calendar changes. Ridding your home of the previous year’s remnants will allow you to entirely shift your energy and mind frame into alignment with the new year that’s to come. Remember, there’s no Christmas in January!

2. Deep Cleaning

The New Year’s fresh start deserves a fresh, clean home to go with it! Deep cleaning your home will allow you to rid your living space of all the dust, dirt, and grime of the past year—literally AND metaphorically! Doing your deep cleaning now will not only make your home look and feel better, but it will also give you one less thing to worry about at the start of the year and more time to focus on the things that matter, like those New Year’s resolutions!

3. Journaling

A lot can change in a year, so writing down your highlights and low points of the past twelve months is a great way to reflect on all that you’ve accomplished and where you may need to work harder in the new year. Over the course of a few days, write month-by-month journal entries about the past year. Don’t hold back–this is a way to release.

4. Spend Time with Loved Ones

What better way to wrap up the year than with those you love most? The end of another year makes us reprioritize and consider what matters the most to us, and of course, family is always #1 on that list. So, snuggle up with the kiddos or call up your siblings and remember all the fun memories you’ve made this year!

5. Party, Celebrate, and Enjoy

Source: — Karolina Grabowska

No matter what the past year has brought you, one thing is for sure—next year ALWAYS brings the potential for improvement, and that’s something to celebrate! So, this New Year’s Eve, grab a glass and toast to the beauty of promise, potential, and continuation!

What’s on your end-of-year to-do list? Let us know in the comments down below!

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