Stressed About Returning to the Office? Here are 5 Ways to Beat the Office Blues!
August 24, 2022 • By Olivia Marjorae
Dreading going back to your job IRL? Check out these Post-Pandemic tips to reduce anxiety!

As the nation strides toward putting the pandemic behind us, many of us are heading back into the office—no more PJs and zoom sessions. Instead, we’re back to suits and roundtables! Returning to in-office work after years of earning a paycheck remotely, and not to mention unclear mask and vaccination policies, can be a daunting transition, but it doesn’t have to be. PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT is about protecting your mind, body, and soul, so let us fill you in on these simple-yet-effective ways to ease the stress!
1. Start Preparing Early
Building healthy habits will help you feel more relaxed by the time of your return. For example, try setting your alarm clock for your intended rising time at least a week before your first day. The chime of your smartphone will help you rectify your sleeping schedule and get yourself (and your body) acclimated to your new routine. Waking up well-rested and energized will put you in the right mind frame to start your day!
2. Be Mindful of Personal Space
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that personal space is pivotal! Maintaining a healthy distance If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that personal space is pivotal! Maintaining a healthy distance and setting solid boundaries will ensure both the health and the comfortability of you and your coworkers. You may feel inclined to greet your officemates when you first arrive physically. Rather than jumping in for a bear hug, find a way to ask them what they’re comfortable with first. “How about a handshake?” is a great way to casually and informally ask for consent and gauge what your coworkers may be ok with right now.
3. Pace Yourself
Once you get back into the office, you may want to hit the ground running on all your assignments. However, jumping into too much too soon can often lead to burnout or unnecessary feelings of stress and pressure. Instead, try moving a bit slower and allowing yourself to adapt to the changes around you post-pandemic. Offer this grace and understanding to not only yourself but your coworkers as well.
4. Change the Subject
The pandemic affected everyone differently, some of us more than others. Throughout this uncertain time, many people dealt with grief, loss, financial hardship, and other circumstances that they may not be willing to talk about just yet. With this in mind, conversations about the pandemic probably aren’t the best option for office chit-chat. Instead, shifting the conversation to lighter, more positive topics will make everyone feel more relaxed and prevent awkward office hiccups.
5. Continue Following Guidelines
Although we’ve regained a semblance of normalcy, we must be conscious of the precautions that helped us reach this point. Keep yourself up to date with CDC guidelines and follow your local news and media outlets for more information. Make sure you do your due diligence in masking, distancing, and quarantining as directed to keep you and your officemates safe and healthy. Oh, and the PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT shop has you covered on conversation starting PPE, if need be!
Are you excited to be heading back to the office, #SweatSisters? What do you plan on doing to ensure health and safety once you return? Let us know in the comments below!