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How To Set (and keep) Your New Year’s Goals

4 proven ways to make your resolutions more doable!

Source: — Rodnae Productions

As time winds down and we close the curtains on yet another year, we know there’s one thing on your mind—your New Year’s resolution! The start of a new year holds the promise and potential for whatever your heart may desire, so setting goals and getting intentional here is key.

The only thing more important than simply setting a goal is making sure that you meet that goal. We all have some New Year’s resolutions that have slipped our minds throughout the 365! But have no fear because we will make sure that this year is different!

Read below for four tips on how to make the New Year YOURS!

1. Prep and Reflect

Free Attentive black woman with diary in urban park Stock Photo
Source: — Charlotte May

Don’t set your New Year’s resolution on a whim—take the time to reflect and prep instead! Before the new year, sit with yourself and reflect on the past twelve months. Think about what you’ve done and what you’d like to do differently, and cultivate your goals from there. Then, figure out what you want to do and why, exactly, you’re doing it.

Putting significant reflection and preparation into your resolution will ensure that your goals are genuine and empower you to stick with them.

2. Move At Your Own Pace

Free Woman in Black Tank Top and Black Denim Jeans Sitting on Gray Concrete Floor Stock Photo
Source: — Antoni Shkraba

We know you may want to hit the ground running at the start of the new year, but starting slowly and moving at your own unique pace can be more impactful. Trying to do too much too soon can often lead to early burnout and hinder your performance throughout the rest of the year. So, give yourself some grace and move at the pace that’s best for you.

3. Find A Community


One of the best ways to ensure success is to find community with those who share similar goals! Finding a tribe of like-minded and driven people will allow you to motivate and draw inspiration from one another while also holding each other accountable. Start by talking to your friends and neighbors about their resolutions. Then, search for communities and organizations that align with your resolutions and see where you can fit in.

Oh, and remember that the #SweatSisterhood is always open, too!

4. Make it Measurable

Free Woman in White Long Sleeved Shirt Holding a Pen Writing on a Paper Stock Photo
Source: — Energepic

Progress can be easy to miss unless you have a testimony to it, and if you feel like you aren’t making progress, it’s easy to get discouraged and kick your goals to the side. Avoid this by ensuring that your New Year’s resolution is something you can easily track and measure to ensure your progress isn’t going unnoticed.

For example, if you’re looking to get fit, take “before” pictures on Day 1 and photograph yourself over time. Or, take the time to journal about your progress each day.

What are you looking to accomplish in the New Year? Let us know in the comments down below!

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