Beauty Guru Alissa Ashley Shares the 411 on Her Health Journey
July 28, 2021 • By Aeshia

There are thousands of beauty vloggers online. Still, if you’re into makeup applications, influencer Alissa Ashley has probably popped into your recommended video feed on YouTube a time or two. The 25-year-old is known for sharing helpful product reviews and inspiring tutorials. With 1.1 million followers and a YouTube channel with 2 million+ loyal subscribers, she recently started talking candidly about her wellness journey and admits that getting fit takes time.
Patience is not part of my DNA. I’ve always been impatient, even as a kid. I like instant gratification. But one thing that I’ve learned is that it does not work that way with fitness and building muscle. It takes time. Building muscle is not an overnight thing.
Alissa Ashley
She understands that the journey will be uncomfortable, but the results will be worth it with dedication, consistency, and persistence.
If you’ve been on a fitness hiatus and are ready to ease back into your workout routine, Alissa shares 5 tips to get started in her first-ever wellness video. Press play!
After being super nervous about sharing her wellness tips with her beauty audience, Alissa realized that her transparency had inspired so many people, so she created this video to talk about food diet.
We applaud Alissa for encouraging young women to love their bodies and prioritize their mental and physical health.