Savor + Sip + Sweat Party Hosted by Singer Marissa
February 1, 2017 • By PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT

BEAUTY is created with your attitude, your behaviors, and your actions. On Sunday, January 29th, 50 girls gathered for a PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT Savor + Sip + Sweat Party hosted by singer Marissa at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Guests spanning from elementary students to college graduates united at Dahlberg Hall for the empowering event, which enabled female executives to mentor through fitness, career, and health education. Each adult attendee unlocked a free registration for a student to participate. What a fun way to GET FIT + GIVE BACK!

Guest not only came to get motivated but took the time to motivate others to be healthy and confident by contributing inspiring words to a Words of Wisdom Wall. Each message was crafted carefully for someone who may see it at a future fitness party (aka Sweat Show).

PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT founder, Aeshia DeVore Branch, welcomed new members to the Sweat Sisterhood with some history about the PGS program and the impact it has made on over 20,000 girls nationwide.

To get to know one another, girls participated in a heart-pumping, laughter-inducing race called “say my name” that requires individual teams to line up in height order. The person at the back of the line has to run to the front of the line and say their name in order for their teammate to race up to the front of the line next, and so on. Whichever team reaches the finish line first, wins.

The person from the winning team who is able to recite all of the names in her group scored a pair of adidas Pure Boost X sneakers! Congrats Brittany Washington!

Next, sweat sisters held hands to recite the PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT pledge, which encourages girls to love themselves, be respectful to others, and surround themselves with positive people.

Fitness was made fun with a music-filled POUND drumstick cardio class led by Get Pulsed founder Alana Sanders. Girls rocked out to the tunes of Beyonce, Usher, Fresh Prince, Shelia E, and DMX while unknowingly completing up to 600 squats during the workout.

Following the lesson, guests enjoyed a beautiful brunch filled with wholesome and delicious dishes prepared by LifeCafe’s Dorian Wallace.

A table etiquette and nutrition workshop followed the workout. LifeTime fitness instructor Tina Strawn educated guests about the proper way to set a table and the dos and don’ts of table manners.

The festivities ended with a Q&A panel with Marissa where she shared tips about the music business and revealed her strategy for maintaining a 4.0 GPA in college.

Sweat sisters competed for prizes by answering health-related trivia questions and every guest was gifted a Taliah Waajid beauty bag filled with natural hair products. Congrats to Shaunika Hajdas for winning a jump rope race which helped her score a pair of adidas Pure Boost X sneakers too!

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