PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT Celebrates 5th Year Anniversary!
September 18, 2016 • By PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT

PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT® (PGS) celebrated 5 years of sweat sisterhood on September 17th at the Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA! 150 sweat sisters, including special guests model/actress/athlete Christina “Ms. Basketball” Granville, R&B singer Adia Andrews, and Atlanta-based yoga educator Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts, were in the building and were more than ready to get fit and have fun.

All sweat sisters were styled in adidas women leggings, socks, and PureBOOSTx sneakers. When the fitness party kicked off, guests were divided into groups and participated in a hula hoop challenge. In between this quick warm-up and the workout, guests stayed fueled with refreshments courtesy of Aquafina and snapped photos at the HaloBooth.

Before breaking a sweat, PGS founder Aeshia DeVore Branch initiated all attendees into the sweat sisterhood by having each girl recite the PGS Pledge.

Branch and the sweat sisters then went live on Facebook to complete 100 jumping jacks to support Sweat Makes Cents’ childhood obesity awareness campaign and Aquafina pledged to donate 10 cents for each jumping jack completed. In less than two minutes, guests helped raise $1,000 for the campaign.

The Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Film and Entertainment (AMOFE) partnered with PGS to announce their first youth video competition – where students can submit a 3-minute fitness-related video that inspires others to pursue a healthy lifestyle. The winner will have the chance to intern in their office and work on a film set!

Following the high-energy workout, guests refueled with PACT cranberry, Aquafina, and a variety of healthy snacks including Sabra Hummus and Stacy’s Pita Chipsheaded over to the Dr. Maya Angelou theater to talk to our special guests during a powerful panel discussion. No question was off-limits and guests asked about everything from nutrition to how to balance working out and school.

The 5th-anniversary event officially concluded with the showing of a 5-year recap video. Press play!
PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT’S® 5th anniversary event was definitely the perfect way to celebrate 5 years of sweat, sisterhood, and soul! To view more photos, click here.

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