LISTEN UP! The PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT Show: Episode 7 with Rashan Ali
April 16, 2018 • By Olivia Hancock

In Episode 7, Aeshia is chatting it up with her fellow Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. soror, Rashan Ali. The multimedia personality has a resume that spans pages with positions that include co-host of the daily talk show “Sister Circle” on TV One, host of the “Cool Soror” podcast, and founder of Sporty Girls, Inc. Find out how Rashan balances marriage, motherhood, and her busy career in this week’s sweat sister chat.
Listen to Rashan and Aeshia’s hour-long conversation BELOW:
On what PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT means to her:
“It means no matter what, get out there and break a sweat!”
Rashan Ali
You can connect with Rashan by visiting her Instagram or website.
You can also listen to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, PodBean, and Google Play!
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