Kiana Jones Changed Her College Major and Now Changes Lives While Having FUN!
May 19, 2022 • By Aeshia

Growing up, Kiana Jones always had a passion for helping others. So she went to college and majored in medicine to follow in her father’s footsteps. However, a turbulent turn in her dad’s health changed the direction of the Washington, DC native’s goals but ultimately led the 26-year-old to become a powerhouse personal trainer/entrepreneur. Keep reading to learn more about our May 2022 photo contest winner.
“He created you on purpose for a purpose.”

Tell us how your winning photo came about?
I currently host my fitness glute camp (PEACHED! Glute Camp). My team and I decided that we should do a spring-themed fitness shoot for the season. We want to encourage women in the community to stay active and healthy!
Please briefly share your fitness journey with us.
Growing up, I’ve always had the desire to help others. In high school, the only class I was interested in was biology. When exploring my career options, I’ve always correlated helping others with common careers in the medical field, such as physicians, nurses, or surgeons. My father worked in the medical field, and I would go to work with him to different nursing homes, hospitals, and patient’s homes. I was DETERMINED to become a nurse because of my passion for helping others and following in my father’s footsteps.
Fast-forward: I attended a four-year university to become a nurse. I worked VERY hard to receive A’s in all pre-requisite courses needed to apply and receive an acceptance into the nursing program. Then, as my junior year approached, I studied for an entry exam to enter nursing school. I took the exam once and scored high.
I GOT ACCEPTED! It was the happiest time in my life. I was unaware of not only the hard work it took to get accepted into nursing school but also how it was going to take ten times the effort to stay in!
During my first semester in nursing school, my father became ill. I was no longer mentally invested in my studies, I wanted to be home every day with him. His illness affected me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I started to fall back on my studies. I decided to stop nursing because I did not want to be there anymore. This was the first time in my life that I’ve felt failure of that magnitude. I knew that changing my major would allow me more free time to visit my father while continuing my studies. I chose to pursue a career in Exercise Sports Science. I hated the idea of Exercise Sports Science / Personal Training because it was not nursing. I told myself many times that I would not use this Bachelor’s degree for what it’s worth: “I am going to get a job in the federal government, make money, and be content,” is what I told myself over and over!
After I graduated from college with my Bachelor of Science in Exercise Sports Science, I moved back home with my parents and got a job in the government. At first, when I started working, I was content. However, after about five months of working in the government, I was BORED. I felt like I was not using all the knowledge that I’d learned from school, and it was going to waste. I started to think of other ways to make extra income that I would enjoy doing. FITNESS was the answer.
I’ve been an athlete my entire life, might as well put it to use. In the past, the sports I played were: tennis, track, softball, and volleyball. During college, I would always exercise with friends on a consistent basis. Now, I am a full-time personal trainer, and this is my DESTINY. I believe that nursing did not work out because God was preparing me for greater. I am forever thankful for my experiences because those experiences shaped me into the person I am today. I can still help my community live healthier lives and educate them on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.
As a certified personal trainer, I am enthusiastic about fitness and nutrition. I specialize in life-changing fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle programs individualized to a person’s goals and needs. I am passionate about making my clients feel good on the inside and out. My goal is to create a training environment that motivates and empowers individuals to challenge themselves in a fun and rewarding way.
We believe fitness + friendship = FUN! So what is your favorite group fitness workout?
I love working out with all my clients/peers during my Glute Camps!
While working out is essential, so is eating the right foods. What is your go-to pre-workout meal? How do you refuel after a workout?
My go-to pre-workout meal is a whole wheat mini bagel with fresh fruit. My post-workout meal is always a protein shake with oat milk, three egg whites with spinach, and oatmeal with raspberries and blueberries.
What is one item that is always in your gym bag?
My headphones!
What are your top 3 fitness Instagram accounts to follow?
What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
I love interior design and local home decor shops. Another surprise: I love peanut butter!
What are the top three goals you hope to accomplish in life?
- Homeowner
- Self-running business
- Spend more time with family

What does PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT mean to you?
PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT means community. I love how your brand is like a sisterhood! I would be honored to work with you guys in the future. (stay tuned – xo, Aeshia)
Since PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT, what is your favorite deodorant?
Native ($13,
How can readers stay in touch with you on social media?
People can reach me via DM (@sincerelykimo) or tag me in a story post. ❤️