Congrats to Kacey King: Winner of Our November 2023 Photo Contest!
November 24, 2023 • By PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT
At just 24, Kacey King, a rising powerhouse in the fitness world, has clinched victory in our November 2023 Photo Contest! As a Registered Behavioral Technician and Personal Trainer, Kacey shares her passion for fitness, recounts unforgettable gym moments, and unveils her exciting plans for the future, all while sprinkling inspiration along the way.

A familiar face to PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT, Kacey, a former PGS co-event coordinator at Georgia State University, previously secured a win in our 2022 photo contest. Since graduating from GSU, she has soared to new heights, establishing her wellness brand KKfitness and serving as the Founder and Instructor of SLIMTHICKKNESS, launched in 2020.

Kacey’s latest winning photo entry featured her rocking one of her favorite PGS tees, earning votes and admiration from her fellow sweat sisters.
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.“
– Maya Angelou
Can you share a funny or memorable gym or workout moment from your early days of working out?
Yes! When I first started in the gym, I remember how my form for workouts like RDLs was… questionable. I find this funny because it reminds us that we all started somewhere, and I have come such a long way! For the memorable aspect, when I work out with friends or family it is something I love so much and love to do with the people I love.
What’s your all-time favorite exercise move, and why do you love it?
My all-time favorite exercise move is the good morning-squat combo because it was my signature when I taught my class “SlimthicKKfitness”!
If you could have a workout session with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
I would want to work out with Megan Thee Stallion for sure!

What’s your go-to workout playlist? Any guilty pleasure songs get you pumped?
It depends on the day, but I love this one that one of my gym friends, @tplifts17_, made on Apple Music. Any 21savage, Megan Thee Stallion, Beyoncé would work!
How do you stay motivated when you don’t feel like working out?
I remember my goals and that it is my passion. I always feel great after my workout!
Can you recall when a client’s transformation story touched your heart or inspired you?
All my clients really do leave an impact on me. Shoutout to Jonathan and Nylah! Their side by side picture keeps me going!
Share a fitness-related hack or tip that your followers might find surprising or helpful.
Workout for you and follow a routine! Try not to be intimidated but inspired! ( That is my motto)
What’s your favorite way to unwind and relax after an intense workout session?
SLEEP for sure! I also love to cook.
What’s your take on cheat days or cheat meals, and do you have a favorite cheat meal you look forward to?
I hate the term cheat days and cheat meals. I think the negative connotation makes people feel bad. I think there should always be a balance for sure! I love Italian food, fried rice, or a nice burrito!
If you could create your own fitness class or workout routine, what would it be called, and what would it involve?
I do have one called SlimthicKKfitness because it gets you right! I love cardio and toning so that is what is based around. Look out for classes in 2024!
What’s your vision for the future of your fitness journey and your impact on your followers and the fitness community?
I just want to be happy every time I look in the mirror. I want everyone to know they are beautiful regardless of that number on the scale! Fitness is about taking care of your body and living a long/ healthy life!
Kacey is more than just a fitness enthusiast; she’s an inspiration. As she looks forward to 2024 with plans for exciting classes, her mantra is “Inspiration Over Intimidation.” Follow her journey on Instagram @Kkfitness09 and join the movement where fitness is about self-love, balance, and living a healthy life!