Moving from France to the US Pumped Up Ndjèbayi Nadege’s Health Journey
September 23, 2018 • By Olivia Hancock

Securing this month’s title of photo contest winner is Ndjèbayi Nadege! Nadege is a personal trainer based in Los Angeles, CA from Sevran, France who lives by the quote: “Tie your shoes up and run!” We recently had the chance to learn more about the 31-year-old wellness enthusiast, hearing everything from her fitness journey to her keen nutrition habits. Keep reading to get the scoop!
1. Tell us how your winning photo came about?

I was shooting with my friend, Gabriella Brandy, who had just released her new app. It was an amazing day/shoot with amazing empowering women.
2. Please briefly share your fitness journey with us.
Everything started in 2012 when I went to NYC and gained around 30 kilos in a month — yes, 75lbs! I was VERY skinny back in the day, so it wasn’t that crazy but it still was a lot for me.
3. We believe fitness + friendship = FUN! What’s your favorite group fitness workout?
I love boxing classes; I did MMA in Paris. I love jujitsu too, but my favorite [group workout] is kick-butt sessions at the gym with my girls because everybody chooses an exercise and we all die laughing together.
4. While working out is important, so is eating the right foods. What is your go-to, pre-workout meal? How do you refuel after a workout?

As I say all the time, I live a balanced life so it depends. But my pre-workout can be avocado toast, some turkey, and an apple or my favorite — peanut butter! My refuel? A full meal! My training sessions are often crazy, so after I NEED food — protein, veggies, and sometimes rice.
5. What’s one item that’s always in your gym bag?
The Victoria Secret mists! I love smelling like candy; people at the gym love it too!
6. What are your top 3 fitness Instagram accounts to follow?
My boo @kaisafit! I’ve been watching her since she was doing her workouts in her living room. Her smile, her strength, and her energy are amazing.
The wonderful @massy.arias! She is goals — beautiful from the inside out and genuine. She even made me hold a squat for eight minutes one day. I never thought I could do that! She’s a beast!
The amazing @stormi_knight3! She is just everything: mind, body, and soul. She’s one of the most generous people I’ve met.
7. What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
My story! I’ve been through a lot, but I never let anything hold me down.
8. What are your top three goals you hope to accomplish in life?
Help as many people as I can to be the best version of themselves, make my family proud, and being my true self every day.
9. What does PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT mean to you?

We are pretty when we sweat because we are pushing ourselves to our limits so we can elevate to our prettiest position.
10. For Kicks: Since PRETTY GIRLS do SWEAT, what’s your favorite deodorant?
Dove spray or Adidas spray are my go-to deodorants!
11. How can readers stay in touch with you on social media?
@Nadege_ndjebayi on Instagram!