We Are Toonz Surprises Students at PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT’s Hip Hop Body Blast Party
February 27, 2016 • By PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT

Truth be told, viral dance challenges are one of the best workouts EVER. Learning new moves to a hit song is tons of fun, gets your heart rate up, stimulates the brain, and burns crazy calories as you repeatedly practice the dance combinations until you get them just right. Just head to youtube and try one ofiHeartMemphis‘, iAmDLOW’s, or Silento’s addictive dance challenges and you’ll soon see that you’ve discovered your favorite workout. The only thing is, you’ll be having so much fun that you won’t even qualify it as exercise.
So for the first time in PRETTY GIRLS SWEAT history, our #SweatSisterhood teamed up with a group of talented boys @toonzweare and Team Nue Era as well as talented teens at @dance411 and it was truly magical watching them motivate and inspire their female peers.

On Saturday, February 27th, we took over the Andrew and Walter Young Family YMCA on Campbellton Rd (Atlanta, GA) with the help of The Let’s Dance The Tour!

Sweat Sisters broke a sweat to choreography taught by Jeremy Green (@jgreenproduction) of Dance 411 and burned crazy calories with the help of @iamkaseyb’s interactive hip hop class!

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To support our mission to encourage teen girls to make their health a priority and to fund free fitness events for teens, purchase apparel in our online shop (HERE), make a donation at sweatmakescents.org, or email us at hi@prettygirlssweat.com to partner with us, become a mentor, or volunteer.